Friday, June 13, 2008


I was SO wrong. I was 99% sure I was having a girl. I wanted a boy and usually you don't get what you want so I was automatically assuming it was a girl. Well the ultrasound seemed like it took forever! They had to check the heart, arms, hands, feet, legs and brain. Then came the fun part!! As soon as the nurse went by the bum you could tell it was a boy. Mark says my hand went limp. I am way excited just caught off guard. I was all ready to buy pink stuff and cutesy headbands and clothes. Now we will be buying all blue and decorating in BYU stuff if Mark gets his way. I told him that was ok, but I will probably change my mind as it gets closer. Once again just to make sure you understood this message.....I AM HAVING A BOY!!!
We are so excited! His name will be Garrett Mark.


Angi Gerrie said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are awesome. Cute name!

Erin said...

congratulations! boys are fun!!
when i was pregnant with parker i wanted a boy so bad, but everyone had convinced me it was going to be a girl. i had finally settled on the thought of having a girl, so in the delivery room when they said it was a boy, i was taken off guard. i had to remind myself that i really did want a boy :)

Mickie Ann said...

yA yAYYAYAY YAYA.. We are so excited for you and mark. CONGRATS