Friday, August 7, 2009

Update from July!

Sorry this has taken me forever to update! Here is what has been going on in our lifes....Garrett got his first 2 teeth. They are the bottom ones. He can stand on his own, but only for a a few seconds. He is into anything and everything he can reach. And when we tell him no he yells at us...he has got his mommy's attitude! It is hard not to laugh at him though when he yells back. His hair is getting way long and still stands up. He is the love of our lifes and we don't know what we would do without him! The top pic is of Garrett's first time playing in the sprinklers, he loved it! So here are a fews picks of the last month and so!
Just being a sweetheart!
The 4th of July!
At West Jordan Days. Or whatever they are called!


Rees Family said...

oh he is too cute for words.

Mickie Ann said...

I can't believe how big he is getting. We got your pic you send. He is on our "pic" board. You all looking like you doing wonderful! We miss being able to visit more. Have a fun FALL -