Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back to Work

So I am back to work as of Jan 12th. It has been almost 2 weeks now and it is just as hard to leave every morning as it was that first day back. I didn't full out cry, but I was close. Leaving Garrett is so hard to do. He is so cute and half the time he isn't awake when I am leaving so I just tell him I love him and blow him a kiss. Mark is a great baby sitter though. We are very lucky to be able to have family to watch our son. Mark watches him on Mon, Tues & Weds and my mom watches him on Thurs. I am down to part time which is nice, cause I can see Garrett a lot more then I thought I would. Even though staying home would be ideal. It will come with time. I am very grateful for my job. My boss has been wonderful working with my schedule. Thank you Shari!!
Garrett is getting so fun! I don't want to miss anything so hopefully sooner then later I will be able to be a full time mommy! He is laughing ALL the time and constantly smiling. We are very lucky to have such a good and happy baby. He is more then we could ask for. We love you Garrett!!


Erin said...

being a working mom is SO hard. i cried my entire first day back...i was basically useless & i had a very insensitive manager. work has gotten better, but i still miss my little bubs so much each day. it kills me that he's 3 1/2 & i'm still working. hopefully for you full-time mommy-hood will come a lot sooner.

Mickie Ann said...

I remember going back to work after Tietjen was born I HATED IT!!! That is why we moved so that living expenses were less and I could be home. I hate the work force I much rather deal with diapers and such!! Good Luck!!

Lisa said...

You guys are such a cute family! Garrett looks like the perfect blend of Mark and Karenann.