Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Epidural for sure!

On Monday Mark and I had an interesting day. I came home from work cause my tummy was hurting so bad. I thought it would go away when I went home and relaxed. It did not stop! I called my nurse and asked what the heck was going on. I was having contractions, but they were 5-7 minutes apart, so we didn't have to go to the hospital. It was kind of scary though! We are both so excited for Garrett to come! But at the same time what a change it will be. Mark keeps telling him to go towards the light. Haha, what a nerd! He wants to hold him so bad. I think he is just excited cause I have to have him and he gets to hold him. Anyways back to Monday. After the contractions finally stopped I was able to take a nap. It was nice. I still feel like I have to be careful when I walk cause my stomach feels so sensitive. I can tell that he is getting bigger, my tummy is getting heavier every day, which is wonderful cause at least I know he is staying pretty healthy. Yesterday, Tuesday, we went to the doctor and I am dialated to 2 1/2 centimeters. The doctor said he might come before his due date, and that the contractions are obviously doing something so that is good. But after feeling those I will for sure be getting an epidural, unless he decides to come out too fast...ahhh! We could have our baby any time now!
I am so grateful for a wonderful husband that is so excited to have a baby and is going to be a great dad! I think he is more excited than me at times!


Erin said...

epidural for sure! seriously...once i got mine it was heaven :)
i can't wait to see your little guy. he's going to be so cute!

Lisa said...

YES for epidurals, they are made by a loving Heavenly Father, and don't wait to get one either, just get it! I waited until I was at a 6 with Lee, and that was just plain stupid. Once I got into tough contractions with Annalisa, I got mine. And man, 37 weeks, contractions, etc? You're getting super close.

Mickie Ann said...

EPIDURAL are HEAVEN sent!! Tietjen's contractions were in my legs and Anna Belle's contractions didn't come to a rest they contracted on top of themselfs.. if that makes sence. I love EPIDURALS!!! Karenann YOU ARE GOING TO BE A GREAT MOM!! Dad's are just more excited during the pregnancy because they feel no pain. Tell Mark to keep that excitement and use it at 3 am and get up with the baby!!! :)

The Kidd Family said...

How exciting. We cant wait to see him. When I was pregnant with Kolby I said I was going to wait as long as I could without the epideral but when I started having the really hard contractions I decided to get one. It is so worth it because you can sit back and relax and enjoy your labor.